Outline Of Our Service Process

1. Request Free Site Evaluation – When you fill out the form, it interfaces with our mapping utility. This tells us how far away you are from our tower locations and also allows us to view elevations surrounding your location. Sometimes it’s clear that we have no line of sight. You will then be notified by email.

2. Free Site Evaluation - Site evaluator conducts free visual line of sight inspections and determines whether installation is possible. The results are given to the Office Administrator, who makes the proper notifications.

3. Installations – At this time, installations are usually scheduled weeks out. Sometimes we do have a last-minute cancellation. Installations typically take 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours. We require someone to be at your location during the installation. The setup fee and first month’s service is DUE and COLLECTED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION (Cash or Check only).

4. Monthly Service/Billing - You will receive a customer login within a few days after your date of installation. Your date of installation will become your due date for each reoccurring month. Billing for your next month’s service will be sent out about 10 days before your next month’s due date. Then you will receive another reminder 5 days prior to the due date. You are delinquent and subject to disconnection if you have not paid for your monthly service within 3 days after your due date.

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Sometimes we have Non Typical Installations that require additional labor or equipment. For more information: CLICK HERE

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